Defesa de Tese de Doutorado #394 – Mário Foganholi Fernandes – 18/02/2022

Quantum Ptychography

Autor: Mário Foganholi Fernandes

Banca Examinadora

Prof. Leonardo Teixeira Neves (Orientador)


Prof. Reinaldo Oliveira Vianna (Coorientador)


Prof. Sebastião José Nascimento de Pádua


Prof. Raphael Campos Drumond


Prof. Miguel Angel Solis Prosser

Universidad de la Frontera

Prof. Dardo Goyeneche

Universidad de Antofagasta


Prof. Leonardo Teixeira Neves (Orientador)


Prof. Reinaldo Oliveira Vianna (Coorientador)


Resumo do Trabalho

We have proposed a new method for quantum state reconstruction, called quantum ptychography.
This method is based on an analogy with ptychography, a method for phase retrieval in classical optics.
The main advantage of quantum ptychography, when compared to other methods for quantum state reconstruction, is its experimental simplicity: it uses measurements in a single basis, while using intermediate projectors to achieve data diversity; on the other hand, usual methods require measurements in sevaral different bases. By not using many bases, quantum ptychography allows simpler experimental setups.
This greater simplicity might be especially invaluable in a context of material scarcity, such as brazilian science has been facing in the recent years.
Quantum ptychography is also flexible regarding the intermediate projectors, which allows for the experimenter to customize it to their needs.
We have studied the method extensively in the context of pure state reconstruction.
We have shown its equivalence to an alternating gradient search, allowing a mathematical understanding of how the method works.
We have made numerical simulations of its reconstructions, using realistic amounts of noise, and showed that its reconstructions are excellent.
We have also made an experiment with slit qudits to test its performance, and again attained very satisfactory results.
As it was with classical ptychography, there are many improvements that quantum ptychography could see.
We have also generalized it for mixed states and obtained encouraging preliminary results.
With this and other advances, we hope that quantum ptychography can become a useful tool for quantum information.

Tópico: Defesa de Tese – Mario Fernandes
Hora: 18 fev. 2022 09:00 da manhã São Paulo

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