Seminário Geral: Steady-state thermodynamics and phase coexistence far from equilibrium

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The possibility of extending thermodynamics to nonequilibrium steady
states (NESS) has attracted interest for many years [1]. The approach considered here involves stochastic lattice systems with strong,
short-range interactions and begins with commonsense denitions of intensive parameters (temperature and chemical potential) via zero-
ux conditions between weakly coupled systems and, in particular, between a NESS and a stochastic reservoir [2]. To be thermodynam-
ically meaningful, these parameters must be consistent (i.e., satisfy the zeroth law) and have predictive value. Consistency holds for
rates satisfying a certain condition [3]. We verify predictive value for spatially uniform NESS in the weak-exchange limit. The in-
tensive parameters do not yield useful predictions for nonuniform NESS [4]. This failure can be understood in terms of violation of
a factorization condition [5]. The notion of well dened coexisting phases, with properties independent of how energy and/or particles
are exchanged, fails in NESS [6]. Finally, attempts to construct a steady-state entropy via thermodynamic integration of the (well de-
ned) intensive parameters for uniform systems do not yield a state function out of equilibrium [7]. Unlike in equilibrium, these param-
eters, which satisfy the zeroth law and have predictive value, are not derivatives of the Shannon entropy.
[1] Y. Oono and M. Paniconi, \Steady State Thermodynamics,”
Prog. Th. Phys. Supp. 130, 29 (1998).
[2] R. Dickman and R. Motai, \Inconsistencies in steady-state ther-
modynamics,” Phys. Rev. E 89, 032134 (2014).
[3] S-i. Sasa and H. Tasaki, \Steady State Thermodynamics,” J.
Stat. Phys. 125, 125 (2006).
[4] R. Dickman, \Failure of steady-state thermodynamics in nonuni-
form driven lattice gases,” Phys. Rev. E 90, 062123 (2014).
[5] J. Guioth and E. Bertin, \Large deviations and chemical poten-
tial in bulk-driven systems in contact,” EPL 123, 10002 (2018).
[6] R. Dickman, \Phase coexistence far from equilibrium,” New J
Phys. 18, 043034 (2016).
[7] L. Ferreira Calazans and R. Dickman, \Steady-state entropy: a
proposal based on thermodynamic integration,” Phys. Rev. E 99,
032137 (2019).