Seminário Geral 19/11/2021: Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon linear chains encapsulated by carbon nanotubes

Sobre este evento

Linear carbon chains (LCCs) are one-dimensional materials with unique properties and restricted selection
rules for phonon-phonon and electron-phonon interactions. When encapsulated by carbon nanotubes
(CNTs), these LCCs find a suitable environment to keep themselves stable. In this seminar, the Raman
spectroscopic signature C-band around 1850 cm−1 from LCCs encapsulated by CNTs is monitored against
pressure (P) and temperature (T) and its behavior reveals: (1) unique mechanical properties showing that
the LCCs’ Young’s modulus, Grüneisen parameter and strain follow universal P−1 and P2 laws, respectively;
and (2) unique thermal properties showing that the LCCs’ thermal properties are well described within the
Debye formalism even at room temperatures leading to unique universal relations for their internal energy,
heat capacity, coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal strain in terms of the number of carbons atoms
and T.

Tópico: Seminário Geral
Hora: 19 nov. 2021 10:00 da manhã São Paulo

Entrar na reunião Zoom

ID da reunião: 818 4653 1079
Senha de acesso: 196212