Invited Speakers

  • David Landau (UGA – USA) – Remote talk – Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations:  Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
  • Silvio C. Ferreira (UFV – Brazil) – Localization phenomena in complex systems: from condensed matter to contagion processes.
  • Ronald Dickman (UFMG – Brazil) – Is there a thermodynamics of nonequilibrium steady states?
  • Hans Herrmann (ESPCI – France and UFC – Brazil) – Criticality of the Brain
  • Ying-Wai Li (LANL – USA) – Hamiltonian extraction and inverse modeling of materials
  • Peter Virnau (U. Mainz – Germany) – Knots in polymers, DNA and proteins
  • Robert M. Ziff (U. Michigan – USA) – An improved percolation algorithm, and properties of sphinx tilings
  • Julia Yeomans (Oxford – UK) – Remote talk – Active Matter: “Evading the Decay to Equilibrium”
  • Thadeu Penna (UFF – Brazil) – Revisiting the Peter Principle: A Computational Analysis of Competence, Learning, and Promotion in Organizations


Last updated on October 20th.