Notice Nº 89, fromJanuary 30, 2019




The Federal University of Minas Gerais Rector, in the use of her legal and statutory duties, establishes generalconditions to be fulfilled in the selection processes for hiring a Visiting Professor and/or a Visiting Foreign Professor to act as a superior teacher, in accordance with the Lawnº 8.745/93, with changesintroduced by Lawnº 9.849, from 10/26/99 and Law nº 12.425, from 06/17/2011, by Law nº12.772/2012, from12/28/2012, of the decreenº 7.485, form05/18/2011, with changes introduced by decreenº 8.259, from05/29/2014, of SRH/MP Normative Guidancenº5, from 10/28/2009, and the provisions of this notice. Each specific selection process will be jointly governed by this Notice and thecorresponding Notice of Visiting and Foreign Visiting Professor Selection opening selection.


1.1 The simplified public selection aims to fill vacancies, temporarily, by Visiting Professor and / or Visiting Foreign Professor, to enable the development of activities at UFMG, on a temporary basis, by Brazilian or foreign experts of recognized competence and leadership in their areas. which may contribute to the introduction or consolidation of innovations in undergraduate, graduate, research and extension education.


2.1 Hold the PhD title for at least 02 (two) years.

2.2 Be a teacher or researcher of recognized competence in your area..

2.3 Present relevant scientific production, especially in the last 05 (five) years.

2.4Have a profile compatible, at least, with the requirements of Complementary Resolution No. 04/2014 of the University Council, for promotion to class D, called Associate Professor.

2.5 Not be an active servant of the direct or indirect administration of the Federal Government, States, Federal District and Municipalities, as well as employee or servant of their subsidiaries and controlled companies.

2.6 If you are employed, you must be officially unpaid on the basis of current legislation for the entire period of employment provided for in the contract.

2.7 In case of having signed a previous contract based on Law No. 8.745, of 12/09/1993, it was terminated for at least 24 months.

2.8 Not being a retired teacher at UFMG.

2.9 Do not participate in management or administration of a private company, whether personified or not, and do not engage in trade, except as a shareholder, quotaholder or commander.


3.1 The working regime will be 40 hours per week, full time, with exclusive dedication.


4.1 The remuneration of the Visiting Professor and the Foreign Visiting Professor shall be established after the selection process has been completed in accordance withframework to be carried out by a committee designated for this purpose, equating it to level 1 of class D, called Associate Professor, or to the single level of class E, called Full Professor, according to the parameters defined by Complementary Resolution 04/2014 of the University Council from UFMG. To be qualified as a Full Professor is also required to have a doctorate degree for at least eight years.

4.2 For definition of the remuneration values, after the classification, it will be observed the correspondence with the remuneration ranges of the Federal Teaching Careers and Careers Plan, Law No. 12.772 of 12/28/2012 and amendments introduced by Law No. 13.325 / 2016, according to table:

Class Level Basic salary Retribution by Title

(PhD degree)

D – Associate 1 R$ 7.442,47 R$ 8.756,77 R$ 16.199,24
E – Titular Unique R$ 8.833,96 R$ 11.151,28 R$ 19.985,24

Registrations must be made by the candidates electronically on the website

5.1 The applicant must fill in the application form available on the website and attach, as instructed in the electronic system, the documents listed below.

5.1.1 For Brazilian:

  1. I) Identity Card or other document proving to be native or naturalized Brazilian; II) CPF; III) proof of discharge with the electoral justice; IV) proof of discharge with military service, when appropriate; V) proof of title or statement that you are able to prove the title required at the time of signing the contract (template available on the registration website); VI) pdf file with text of curriculum vitae, registered and exported from the Lattes Platform (,complete model, with the entire period of professional practice and production; VII) individual work plan of the candidate, compatible with the “Working Plan for the Visiting Professor” to which the vacancy is linked; VIII) statement that all information provided is true (template available on the registration website); IX) declaration of acceptance of the conditions established for the selection process, which cannot be allegedly unknown (model available on the registration website); X) supporting documentation of digitalized curriculum vitae.

5.1.2 For foreign:

  1. I) valid passport or valid ID in Brazil; II) proof of title or statement that you are able to prove the title required at the time of signing the contract (template available on the website

registration); III) curriculum vitae; IV) individual work plan compatible with the “Visiting Teacher Work Plan” to which the vacancy is linked; V) statement that all information provided is true (template available on the registration website); VI) declaration of acceptance of the conditions established for the selection process, which cannot be allegedly unknown (model available on the registration website); VII) supporting documentation of the digitized curriculum vitae.

5.2. It is the responsibility of the Foreign Visiting Professor to take the necessary steps to obtain the entry visa in Brazil, in the category corresponding to the activities he / she will develop, with validity compatible with the period of permanence in Brazil, including the possibility of extension of the contract. , in accordance with

current legislation.

5.3 At the time of hiring the candidate, Brazilian or foreign, whose title has been obtained in a foreign institution, the recognition of the diploma by Brazilian institution will be required, pursuant to §3 of art. 48 of Law 9,394, of 12/20/1996.

5.4 On the website where the registration will be made, the following documents will be available to the candidate: I) this Announcement and Opening Announcement of the selection; II) excerpt from the UFMG General Regiment with the articles on the admission of teachers; III) excerpt from Complementary Resolution No. 02/2013, of the University Council, with articles 42, 43 and exclusively the caput of art. 44 and items I to V; IV) Complementary Resolution No. 04/2014, of the University Council; V) Law 8.745 / 1993; VI) Normative Guidance SRH / MP No. 5, of 10/28/2009.

5.5 In the Opening Announcement of each selection, the specific web page will be informed in which the scorecard that will be adopted for the evaluation of the curriculum vitae, the selection process program, when applicable, and the document entitled “Work Plan for the Visiting Professor “, which should refer to the individual work plan of the candidate.

5.6 Enrollment implies the applicant’s tacit commitment to accept the conditions established for the selection process, which cannot be allegedly unknown.


6.1 Selection will necessarily include analysis of curriculum vitae and individual work plan; The selection may include other tests, if specified in the corresponding Opening Notice.

6.2 The Departmental Chamber / equivalent structure of the Department / Unit to which the Visiting Professor will be attached shall establish an Examining Committee composed of three members.

6.3 The Examining Committee will detail the selection criteria for candidates in line with the “Visiting Teacher Work Plan”, which will be disclosed prior to the tests on the website where the specific information of the selection will be.


7.1 The result of the selection will be determined in public session, using, by analogy, the established in art. 43 and exclusively in the caput of art. 44 and items I to V of Complementary Resolution No. 02/2013 of the University Council.

7.2 In the event of a tie, banknotes shall be preferred successively by the applicant who:

7.2.1 is 60 (sixty) years of age or older, as established by Law No. 10,741 / 2003 (Elderly Law), considering for this purpose the date of the tests;

7.2.2 has the highest simple arithmetic average of the final marks awarded by the Examiners;

7.2.3 has the highest arithmetic average of the grades awarded by the Examiners in each item, observing the provisions of article 42 of the Complementary Resolution No. 02/2013 of the University Council;

7.2.4 be highest age (higher than 18 years);

7.2.5 If the tie still remains, the tie will be broken by lot, to be held publicly during the final calculation session of the Contest result.

7.3 Following the promulgation of the result, the Final Opinion of the Examining Committee will be prepared.

7.4 The Final Opinion of the Examining Committee will be submitted to the Departmental Chamber, or equivalent, for approval.

7.5 The result of the selection of Visiting Professors shall be approved by 2/3 of the members of the Departmental Chamber or equivalent body.

7.6 The final result of the process shall be approved and approved by the UFMG Teaching, Research and Extension Council (CEPE).

7.7. The final result will be officially disclosed on the website informed in the opening announcement of the selection.


8.1 An appeal may be lodged with the Departmental Chamber, or equivalent, against the result of the selection, on strict grounds of illegality, within two working days, counted from its promulgation at the public session to determine the results.

8.2 An appeal may be made to the next higher court against the homologation or total or partial cancellation of the final result of the selection, on strict grounds of illegality, within two working days of its official disclosure on the website informed in the Opening Notice. of selection.


9.1. The duration of the employment contract will be specified in the corresponding Opening Notice.

9.2. The duration of the contract will be linked to the period of development of the respective individual work plan, and may not exceed the limits established by law of 1 (one) year for Visiting Professor and 2 (two) years for Visiting Foreign Professor.

9.3. The extension of the employment contract will depend on the performance of the hired Visiting Professor performance and approval of the individual complementary work plan, provided that the total term does not exceed 2 (two) years for Visiting Professor and 4 (four) years for Foreign Visiting Professor.

9.4. The extension of the employment contract is a discretionary act of the Institution and will be subject to the budget availability of UFMG.


10.1 The visiting professor shall not be able to receive duties, functions or charges not provided for in the contract, nor may he be appointed or appointed, even if precariously or in substitution, for the exercise of office in committee, as established by Law 8,745. / 93.

10.2 The terms expressed in days, in this Notice and in the Opening Notice, will be counted continuously.

10.3 The deadline count excludes the start day and includes the due day.

10.4 When the start or end date coincides with the day on which there is no business hours at the relevant Secretariat of the relevant body or when business hours are closed before normal hours, the deadline shall be extended to the first subsequent business day.

10.5 This Notice is also available in English, emphasizing that, in case of divergence between the English and Portuguese versions of the Notice, the Portuguese version will prevail.

10.6 Any omissions will be resolved by the Rector.