Is not... ?*

Domingos Soares

Departamento de Física, ICEx, UFMG -- C.P. 702
30161-970, Belo Horizonte -- Brazil

April 07, 2005

`Do not... ?'
Opticks, Book III --- I. Newton, 1730

`We need a new Tycho Brahe in the area, and start it over.'
Let it Bang, Chronicles of Modern Cosmology --- D.S.L. Soares, unpublished



On page xxxiii of the Preface to the 1979 Dover edition of Newton's Opticks -- based in the 1730 Newton's edition --, Prof. I. Bernard Cohen comments on the fact that Opticks was, contrary to the Principia, highly speculative. He adds: ``To be sure, the speculations of the Opticks were not hypotheses, at least to the extent that they were framed in questions. Yet if we use Newton's own definition, that `whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called an hypothesis' they are hypotheses indeed. The question form may have been adopted in order to allay criticism, but it does not hide the extent of Newton's belief. For every one of the Queries is phrased in the negative! Thus Newton does not ask in truly interrogatory way (Qu. 1) : `Do Bodies act upon Light at a distance... ?' -- as if he did not know the answer. Rather, he puts it: `Do not Bodies act upon Light at a distance... ?' -- as if he knew the answer well -- `Why, of course they do!' ''

In the same spirit, I am pleased to list below some cosmological queries. In Newton's Opticks, the Queries appear at the end of the work. Likewise, these here will close my planned book entitled Let it Bang, Chronicles of Modern Cosmology.



* For more short comments on modern cosmology check at Back.

Domingos Sávio de Lima Soares
July 02, 2013