My name is Edmar Avellar Soares and I was born some 31 years ago in Belo Horizonte, a nice town surounded by mountains, in the southeast part of Brazil. Since then I've been growing and growing. During my first 18 years I grew up but after that something really weird happened: slowly but steadily I gained a new buddy, The Belly. :-)

At the age of 13, I discovered Rock'n Roll and became an afficionado. I enjoyed it so much that I bought an electric guitar. I still can't play it very well, but believe it or not, I am part of one of the most promising bands ever created, "The The Flush".

At 17, I intended to go to College and major in music (classical guitar), but apparently the idea was not very welcomed by my parents. So I finally majored in physics at UFMG in 1991, which pleased them both; only God knows why!!! ;-) I finished my Master in 94 and managed to get my PhD in Surface Science by the end of 98.

Nowadays, I am a PostDoc fellow in Prof. M.A. Van Hove's group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.

What I like:

To play guitar, to drink beer, to eat cheese, to chat with friends, Star Wars and Star Trek, chocolate, old TV sitcoms, swimming, football (not soccer), Pink Floyd, to travel, mountain bike trails, Jeep, scuba diving, snowboard, physics and lots of other things that I don't remember right now.