Dark Cosmology Wishful Thinking & Co. *

Domingos Soares

Departamento de Física, ICEx, UFMG -- C.P. 702
30161-970, Belo Horizonte -- Brazil
E-mail: dsoares@fisica.ufmg.br

September 17, 2004


The current Standard Cosmology Model is without any source of doubt a matter of desolation and shame to those who dedicated themselves to either making or teaching science, at any level. The reason for that is that their proponents and champions constantly violate praised rules of scientific method in their pursue of maintaining the model's supremacy. On top of that, Big Bang Dark Cosmology supporters create pearls of wishful thinking. I collect them here as they come to my knowledge, with a pedagogical aim in mind. Additional statements of a ridiculous and/or pseudo-scientific character are also listed (the & Co. of title). All those cited here are kindly requested to send a reply, which I shall be pleased to post below the quotation under their names.


* For more short comments on modern cosmology check at the following address: www.fisica.ufmg.br/~dsoares/notices-e.htm. Back.

Domingos Savio de Lima Soares
November 07, 2014