Note on the publication of "An Open Letter to the Scientific Community"

Domingos Soares

Departamento de Física, ICEx, UFMG -- C.P. 702
30123-970, Belo Horizonte -- Brazil

Cosmology did not solve in a satisfactory way the problem under its investigation, namely, the formation, structure and evolution of the universe as a whole.

There is a Standard Cosmological Model (SCM), which --- with or without an initial singularity --- has as its main feature the expansion of the mass-energy content of the universe from an initial state of extremely high --- infinity, in the singularity case --- temperature and density.

Such a model is not unanimously accepted by the community of scientists, although it strongly dominates the scientific contemporary scene.

A group of scientists, some of them, renowned cosmologists and astronomers, in a Open Letter to the Scientific Community, have recently raised the point of view that there is an intentional bias in funding allocation, essential for the realization of research in cosmology, that would favor SCM followers.

It is obvious that the statement is controversial. But the Open Letter turns out to be important in itself --- being right or wrong in its claims --- as a way of calling the attention of the scientific community to the fact that, according to a non-negligible number of scientists, there exists a serious problem with modern cosmology and that the SCM is far from the proclaimed success that its champions speak out.

The Open Letter was published in the 22nd of May edition of an important science magazine.

The complete text and the opportunity of joining in are at:
Open Letter

Domingos Sávio de Lima Soares
Jan 28 2015