Let it Bang - Chronicles of Modern Cosmology

Domingos Soares

‘Big-Bang cosmology, the uncertain chain that links speculation to speculation in order to prove speculation’.

Cosmologia moderna, o encadeamento incerto de especulação a especulação com o objetivo de demonstrar especulação.


A stone of stumbling to General Relativity Theory
Observational tests of the microwave background radiation
Historical note on the MBR
MABE: a challenge to Big-Bang Nobel laureates
Note on the 2006 Physics Nobel Prize
Local Microwave Background Radiation

Sandage versus Hubble on the reality of the expanding universe
My New Year's List of Do-Nots and Doughnuts
The Cosmological Constant
Dark Cosmology Wishful Thinking & Co.
The Anthropic Fake Principle
Ten Words against Big Bang Dark Cosmology
The Dark Cake

Note on Open Letter/Cosmology
Rip! Rip! Hurrah!
The Last Goose
The New Cosmology and the Gang of Chicago
Do we live in an anthropic universe?
Anthropic Principle
Is not... ?


For more short comments on modern cosmology check at the following address: www.fisica.ufmg.br/~dsoares/notices-e.htm.


Last updated: 07nov2014