My New Year's List of Do-Nots and Doughnuts *

Domingos Soares

Departamento de Física, ICEx, UFMG -- C.P. 702
30161-970, Belo Horizonte -- Brazil

January 03, 2005


This is a very. very, very personal declaration. On time.

The civil year begins -- a new year begins every day --, thus the title. As far as modern cosmology is concerned, we are in the Middle Ages! The old cycle of science is about to make another turn: we desperately need a new Tycho Brahe to teach us the foundations of the trustful measure of the cosmos, a new Newton getting mad on the imposition of scientific coherence...

Oh! I'm a man -- a teacher -- of constant sorrow! I teach the wonderful physical picture of the expanding universe, the formal beauty of Friedmann equation and Robertson-Walker metric... It is really a pity though that all of that does not conform to the real universe! 99.5% of the universe is made to be dark, unknown by any imaginable means... Would old Kepler make his revolution with the present-day conformist approach? No. We need also a new Kepler on the road...

Modern cosmology is nuts. Doughnuts.


* Read more at Texts & News). Back.

Domingos Sávio de Lima Soares
January 03, 2005